Corporate Social Responsibility

CSR, Connecting @ heart has been the theme of TT in its CSR activities. TT helps in areas of rural education, skill development, medical need and hunger management .

TT’s medical mobile van covers over 50000 villagers in a year to meet their medical needs. Medical assistance is provided by mobile clinics and support to rural medical intervention centers.

TT supports food distribution programs supported by Iskon, to help provide the mid-day meal of nearly 300 people per day outside TMH hospital. We are committed to supporting the marginalized of society as we connect and grow holistically.

Critical assistance is given to palliative care centers for cancer patients. Our goals were achieved easily as we had support from Savali & Bulbul Ray foundation for providing. 

TT has developed over 10 anganwadis and developed sanitation and solar systems for schools in the tribal areas.

The Savali NGO is specifically supported to meet the rural health and educational needs.

Mogra farming in tribal areas is supported so as to help develop the rural economy.

Connecting the world with interconnection solutions extends to more than just the services we provide. TT has not forgotten its duty towards the less fortunate of our society. Throughout our success, it is imperative for us to uplift and provide as much assistance as possible to the underprivileged in our society and community. Over the years, we have been actively involved in CSR activities to enhance and improve the lives of those around us.